Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ultimate Reset: Week One Recap

So I finished week one of the reset on Sunday and wanted to give a quick review and share my results so far! I am LOVING what the reset is teaching me about my relationship with food. I used to be really good with eating clean and the right portions....but then I got married and I ate what and when he ate...and then there was the reception and family vacation and well good got out of hand and I just couldn't get back on track. So I decided to order the reset and get back on track! Best decision ever! I thought my only problem was I was having a hard time letting go of junk food...boy was I wrong! I didn't realize just how much I was abusing food until the reset! The reset puts you in a strict eating schedule. Being on the schedule really made me realize how often I was eating before and not from hunger. Nope I was eating because I was stressed out, or bored, or depressed. I was using food not as fuel or for function but to ease emotions. Not ok! I love now that I am using food for it's purpose, to fuel my body! I am also LOVING the recipes! Seriously I have not had anything I have not liked yet. I was a little worried the food would be too bland, but not at all! The food is beyond yummy and not difficult to make. Heads up you will be cooking A LOT though. I am not a fan of cooking so that part I don't love but the product is worth it. They do offer faster easier recipes gfor when you want a break from cooking but I really want to try all the different foods so I cook away. There are quite a few supplements, they are not bad except for the alkalinize, that stuff is nasty! Take it in shot form and have water near by for a chaser! A huge plus is how regular I have become! Like for reals, I thought I knew what it was like to be regular...I did not, NOW I know and man oh man! 😜 My only downside is that I experienced some major bloat for a few days. Like pregnant looking, not cool. But that seems to have passed. Now for some results! In the first week I dropped 4 lbs! My hope is to lose a total of 10 by the end of week three and at this rate I will lose 12! Yay!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

My fitness story

I grew up playing every sport I could get my hands on, softball, volleyball, soccer, basketball, cross country, track and field, I danced the majority of my life, I even did JROTC and participated on their physical fitness teams in high school. I did rollerblading and skate boarding with my friends, I was an active person. I loved being active, I loved moving and feeling good. After high school I feel in love with running. I started running 4 to 5 miles a day and even got up to 8 mile at one point. I loved the high you get when running. Being fit mattered to me. Then I got married and I was in a horrible marriage, and I do mean horrible. It was very bad and I became so depressed. I was not allowed out to go running to get rid of my stress but I was allowed in the kitchen, soooo I turned to baking. I had found my stress relief to help deal with my marriage. I baked daily.....and I ate those goodies daily. It started off small but soon enough I could eat a whole batch of cookies in just over a day. Food made me feel temporarily better. It helped ease the pain and the stress and the sadness. In three years I put on about 50 to 60 pounds. It was bad. One day I found the strength to get out of the marriage and get my children and I out of a very bad situation. While I had gotten out of one bad relationship I was still stuck in a very bad relationship with food. Going through the divorce also started a process of finding myself again. I started discovering who I was, what I wanted in life, and part of what I wanted was to be healthy again, to feel good in my skin. A co worker introduced me to Beachbody and got me signed up with a coach to help walk me through the journey of not only getting healthy but with overcoming many emotional hurdles that were tied to my unhealthy relationship with food. I started drinking Shakeology(a health shake) and doing Insanity (a beachbody home workout program). I started losing weight fast! Within in 3 months I had dropped about 30 pounds! I was starting to feel so much better! I had more energy, more self confidence, and I was happier than I had been in a long time! I started running again and used exercise as an outlet for stress instead of food. I fell in love with the health and fitness world. I started researching more about healthy eating to get my diet on track and as I cleaned it up more and more I lost another 20 pounds! I started helping others around me get healthy and completely fell in love with helping people reach their goals and decided to become a Beachbody coach myself! It has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done! To work with people one on one to not just lose weight, but to tackle emotional problems tied to it, to develop healthy relationships with food, and to become the best versions of themselves! I am still not where I want to be and have more goals to hit but I am loving the journey I am on right now!